We are longing after a new pouring out of
the holy spirit and a new pentecost. We pray,
serve and impact the renewal of God`s church
and society.
Trusting God and His grace we are
creating places where people can
encounter God.
How it started
October 4th 1987, in a small student apartment at Operngasse 4 in the first district in Vienna: Three young people come together to pray the rosary and eat sandwiches afterwards. The reason for this was a pilgrimage to Medjugorje a few weeks before. The longing to continue living what they had experienced there has grown in their hearts when they came home. That was the beginning of our first prayer meeting and the beginning of the Loretto community.
Where we are
Worship Gatherings
Coming together, giving Glory to God – in songs and prayers, in teaching and adoration. Having sandwiches. Here, you can get to know Jesus, and meet lots of other Christians.
Our prayer groups take place in a variety of settings, from a small apartment to a church building, from 5 people to over 200. Go check it out near where you live.